Saturday, January 22, 2011

Add that to the list

I'm really, really, really BAD at blogging. In fact, I don't think I've ever successfully blogged in my entire life. I'm one of those people that has ridiculously good intentions, but suffers from an extreme form of illness known as dillydallyitis which means I'm nearly physically incapable of doing anything in a timely manner. I think this lifelong procrastination problem of mine stems from the fact that I came into this world 16 days overdue and have been running late ever since. I'm also really, really, really BAD at storytelling. I always feel the need to add an exorbitant amount of meaningless details that I somehow feel are somehow relative to the story when really it's just excess information. Filler. Fluff. This I attribute to the approximately 2304069808 term papers, final projects, TPAs, and the like that I hastily manufactured in college, nights, hours, mere minutes before they were due. And see, now I've successfully written an entire paragraph telling absolutely nothing of Chicago and my new life in it, which is in fact the whole purpose for this blog.

Here in Chicagoland, I feel like I should carry around a little notepad with me. You know, one of those 3 inch spiral ones that has some absurdly colored cartoon bunny or otherwise chaotic picture splashed across the front. The ones you get from the highly coveted Treasure Box in elementary school. Or the dollar store if you're a frequenter of such establishments. This notepad would serve the purpose of me making a list, a running record of my ah-ha moments here in the Mid West. And of those there have been many. The most recent thing Chicago taught me is the absolute heinous effects that cold weather can have on a car. Since I've never lived outside the comfort zone of sunny Southern California where the temperature never drops below the 30s on the very coldest Elsinorian night, I was completely unaware a car, more specifically my car, feels that life is not worth living when the thermometer dips below 20 degrees. Add that to the list. 

Having only recently obtained employment as a nanny for an absolutely fantastic family, the majority of my days in the past month have not included driving. In fact, I have not been to the gas station since December 29th and have driven less than 150 miles since then. Apparently, unbeknownst to little ol' Californian me, when gas sits for too long in a less than full tank, condensation from the outside air can form and collect and result in frozen gas lines which results in a car that won't start which results in a very sad me. Or something mechanical to that effect. I'm terrible at science. For the second night in a row I have experienced this terribly frustrating and annoying phenomenon that is a direct result of the North Pole-like climate in which I currently reside. I've realized that it's in my best interest to take dear old Schatzi in to a mechanic to see if there's anything that can be done to prevent this problem from reoccurring. Sighhh. 

I'm going to make a genuine effort to blog on a more frequent basis. Not because I think my life is oh so important that everyone needs to know my daily happenings. But because 2,104 miles is the farthest I have ever been away from home, my family, my friends, and other various things I miss, such as my dogs and Thai Pepper in Huntington Beach, and weather that gets warmer than 34 degrees which is in fact the warmest day I have experienced this month. Side note, I just looked up the difference between "furthest" and "farthest" for that last sentence and finally learned the difference between the two. Farthest means physical distance, whereas furthest means figurative distance. Is it pathetic that I am 26 years old and am just now learning that? The point of all that incessant blabber was to say that, if you want to hear from me more often than you currently do, check in here from time to time. I'm really, really, really GOOD at talking. A lot ;) 

1 comment:

  1. just kidding, i found it. and i love it. and thank you for teaching me the difference between farthest and furthest. i'm 23 and didn't know, but i guess that means i still beat you age-wise because you're old. p.s. i made a typo in a fb message and didn't catch it before sending, and thought of you. poopface. love you <3
