Sunday, January 30, 2011

I love their flourescent green hue

I love the weekends. I'm sure most people do. But weekends mean two straight days of Boyfriend. It's pretty much the best thing ever. (Maybe second only to the BLTs with turkey bacon that I have been absolutely addicted to lately!) He just walked over to me singing along with this song:

I know I'm biased, but Boyfriend is ridiculously good looking and when he does super cute things like singing and dancing like that and his eyes get a little more Asian-y...oh man, I melt. Swooooon :P 

Speaking of Asian, yesterday I met his Asian side of the family for the first time, consisting of his grandma and grandpa, an uncle, and three cousins. They were all so kind and very welcoming, considering I am some completely random girl from California who moved here on a whim :P Anyone who knows me well knows that I have  an infatuation with old men with my favorite type to look at being those of the adorable Asian variety. Omg, his grandpa. Omg. So, so cute! He kind of reminded me from the man from "Up", but Japanese. And cuter, 'cause you know, he's real and not animated. Haha. His grandma is so sweet and delicate. And witty :) His uncle is a super nice man and his three teenage cousins were all so friendly and well behaved and very interested in me and all my Californian-ness :P

After we were done visiting with his family we headed home, but first stopped at a bar to say happy birthday to a friend of his. We were only supposed to stop for one drink...and in the time he had his one beer, I had three Midori Sours. Three. They're so sly, so slick, those Midori Sours. I finish them before I've even realized I'm drinking them. Even using those tiny cocktail straws I suck them down at the speed of light. I love their flourescent green hue. They make me happy just looking at them because they're so visually appealing. If it were possible to create a rainbow colored drink, like with individual layers, I'd be in love. Something like this, but not cheating by using colored ice cubes as this one does:

Once we got into the car though, I immediately got worried that I was gonna get sick, and given my intense fear of throw up, that was not what I was wanting to experience. Boyfriend told me it was all in my head and talked to me to help keep my mind off of it. We stopped for gas and I went inside to go buy a huge water. I also picked up some 

Butterfinger Snackerz 

that I'd been wanting to try out. They are fail. Do not eat. An average Butterfinger is about 90% crunchity peanutbuttery goodness with about 10% chocolate coating. Which is amazing! These Snackerz were about 50% chocolate, 30% wafer, and 20% crunchity peanutbutter goodness. They also look nothing like the picture. I was quite disappointed. Thinking about Butterfingers makes me miss Yogurtland. They don't have them here in Illinois, and though I'm sure there are comparable froyo places, Yogurtland is still my fave. 

I think I'm done typing for now. Kbye :)

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to yogurtland tonight mauhaha! we just got one in escondido :] buy $5 and get free chipotle, win win win!
