Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Summer will be here before I know it, right?

Since mid-December, on (most) Wednesday evenings, Boyfriend and I have been going to a local bar called The Rail to play trivia.  We are usually accompanied by a random assortment of our various friends and sometimes their friends, too. Tonight, Boyfriend and I had a bit of trouble with time management (filling seed starter containers with potting soil and grilling fish on the BBQ were tasks that we definitely didn't allot enough time for) and we didn't get to The Rail until the second half of the game. The following is a list of some of the questions we were asked:

  • Name two PGA golfers who, between June 2010 and June 2011, made more money in endorsements than they did in their actual contracts.
  • What continent do orangutans come from?
  • In July 1987, pranksters removed the H from the Hollywood sign to pay homage to whom?
  • Which U.S. state has twice the land area of all of Scandinavia combined?
  • What was Post's version of Corn Flakes named in 1908?
  • Put the following movies in order from oldest to newest: Mars Attacks!, My Cousin Vinny, Mickey Blue Eyes, and Mrs. Doubtfire.
I wish I had the capabilities to write upside down like they do on cereal boxes and kid's meal containers to post the answers to those questions down below :P There's one team that we see at trivia every week and they always bring a minimum of 10 people. I think the odds of someone in their group knowing the answer to every single question are astronomically high. I try not to get too competitive, but it's hard not too since we try our best but have never won. We almost came in 3rd once but there was an error in the calculation of the scores and it turns out we actually were in 4th place and I was ridiculously sad. All that for a $10 gift certificate :P

In other sad news, my long awaited, highly anticipated Spring Break trip home is not going to happen. Airfare is outrageous, over $600 for the time period I was looking to travel, and I just can't justify spending that much money on a ticket. I will be making plans for a summer trip home very soon, though. I haven't been home in over a year now and it's definitely time to go home, see all my loved ones, and recharge my batteries. Summer will be here before I know it, right?

1 comment:

  1. In July 1987, pranksters removed the H from the Hollywood sign to pay homage to whom?

    Who is Karla Mitchell? Considering that is the exact month I was born. For the win.
