Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Letters, Episode 1

So as I've lurked around come across some other regular bloggers' pages, I've noticed that they do a segment called "Friday Letters" on, well you guessed it--Friday, where they write mini letters to people/places/things (basically anything that is a noun). I frequently post status updates in the form of Dear Something-or-other on the Facebook machine, so I think I this should be a day I shouldn't, ideally, fail at. 

Dear Self, 
If you recall, you stated in a previous post (this one, to be exact) that you were going to start each blog with a song to entertain your readers. Every subsequent post after the aforementioned post has been void of any and all songs. I know sometimes our brain is old and forgets things, but you should really try to only say what you mean, and mean what you say. And then do what you say you'll do, 'cause nobody likes slackers. Kthx.

Dear Self,
Thanks for the reminder. Here's a song:

Dear Weather,
It's really nice of you to have been in the 70s for multiple days now. And it's really nice that it appears you'll be in the high 70s and even 80s well into next week, but please don't get too hot too quickly. Summer here is gorgeous but I know this is just a tease since it's only mid-March and there's really no logical explanation that the temperature is so high already. Feasibly, it could still snow. And that makes me really confused about what clothes to pack away. Figure yourself out. Kthx.

Dear Boyfriend,
It was really sweet of you to come home and make me dinner. Whenever you do awesomely sweet gestures like cook me one of my favorite things, you earn approximately 2,085,654 bonus points in my book (give or take) plus I fall in love with you all over again. And even though you don't read my blog, it makes me happy to write to you :P Be mine, please. Kthx.

Dear Next Week,
Thank you for being a three day work week, even though it's weird I'll be off randomly on Tuesday, I'm not complaining. You make my job that much more enjoyable, and for that, I thank you.

Dear Dishwasher,
Please don't be broken. I know you're old and cleaning dishes sometimes proves to be too difficult of a task for you and I am forced to run the same dishes through multiple times before they come out spotless. But I really don't want to have to buy a new dishwasher right now. And even more than that, I really don't want to have to wash dishes by hand. Please have a resurrection and come back to life. Kthx.

Dear Airfare,
I'm still angry at you for being so expensive! (insert choice expletives here)

Dear 3.2 regular readers,
Thank you for coming back to read me even though you probably had abandoned all hope :)

Kthx, bai.

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