Saturday, March 24, 2012


I have decided that Saturdays will be a day where my post is specifically photo based. It makes it easy for me to have something to help me stay focused on and stay on topic since we all know how my story telling abilities are quite lacking and my sentences tend to wander...

Today we went to Boyfriend's grandparents' house to have a sushi making session. Our trip to H Mart yesterday stocked us up on all of the necessary sushi making supplies.

I for some reason didn't feel like taking pictures of the sushi making so I'm not going to completely go against what I just said about using a picture to help me stay on topic. I do have a picture from today, just not from the sushi. 

I have never seen fog here in Chicago. I never thought that fog would be something I'd actually miss. And I guess I also didn't realize that it only happens for very specifically meteorological reasons and that not all locations in the world possess the qualities that are necessary to produce fog. Fog can be creepy, or magical, or calming, or cooling. Or lots of things. And I wish it happened more here. 

There's not really all that much to say about fog, so I think for your sake, dear 3.2 readers, I'll stop here. Check back next Saturday to see what kind of collage I make then! :P

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