Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Letters, Episode 2

Welcome to my second installment of Friday letters. Let's get on with the show.

Dear Brother, 
Happy Birthday! I kind of can't believe you're 23. Seriously, I remember the day you were born. I know that sounds super cliché, but whatever. I wish I was there to celebrate with you. I think it's harder to spend birthdays apart than holidays even :/ I hope you have an awesome golden birthday, little sister!

Thank you for being an absolutely amazing vet! The way that literally every employee had to come see/meet Brutus was hilarious and made him (and us) feel super special. Your facility is gorgeous and I was completely happy with the check-up Brutus had here today :) You make pet ownership even easier.

Dear H Mart
You're really fun to go to. Even though I sometimes feel out of place as one of the only non-Koreans there, your vast selection of everything Asian is great. My only complaint is that you sometimes cause me to spend more money here than I would like, because I apparently feel that we need one (or more) of everything you have to offer :P

Our cart about midway through our shopping spree.
Dear Boyfriend,
I'm super excited to have the next 7+ work-free days to spend with you. I know it's not exactly the Spring Break we had planned but I have a feeling we'll be super productive and happy nonetheless :D

Dear Self, 
Please be better about blogging on a more regular basis. For serious. Your lack of commitment to most things is highly unattractive. You can do better, so try. Kthx.

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember the day my little brother was born. He is also no longer little, at age 21. We (mostly you) are getting older. Sad story, but nice to see our siblings growing before our very eyes. :]
