Thursday, March 3, 2011

...unholy tangerine explosion

I figured I'd post a blog today since it's probably the last free time I'll have for the next couple weeks, which breaks down like this:

Thursday: Work then a desperately needed haircut at the salon attached to Boyfriend's bar! Super anxious because my beastly, wild mane is hurriedly becoming out of control! I haven't even attempted to do anything to my hair in a couple weeks now because it's so unruly and massively jew fro-y.
Friday: Work then laundry then packing then (ideally) going to bed early.
Saturday: Catch a 7:15am flight HOME!! Landing at LAX around 9:45. SEEING MY MOM, DAD, and LITTLE BROTHER!!! Going to my favorite Thai restaurant for lunch and maybe the Asian market in Westminster. Crossing my fingers that a get together with all my BFFs will work out that night!
Sunday: Brunch then Grandpa's viewing then family dinner.
Monday: Grandpa's graveside service. Flying back to Chicago on the red eye.
Tuesday: Arriving at 5:00am, sleep, then work (thank goodness we both have jobs that start at 3 in the afternoon!) 
Wednesday-Friday: Work all week then pack up the apartment. Sit and stare at Boyfriend a lot since the roommate is moving out while we're gone and he's taking the couches, TV, dining room table and chairs, and canceling the internet. 
Sunday and beyond: Excitedly start city living with the most amazing Boyfriend I could ever hope for :) :) :)

As you can see, life is pretty jam packed for the 12 days. I'm really excited about everything that's on the agenda. And even more excited for everything after that! Come Spring, our weekends will be full of renovating the 92 year old house we will be inhabiting. Goodbye wood paneling, linoleum flooring, plaster walls. This past weekend we did a lot of prep on the house--cleaning, packing up his grandparents' belongings, ripping up the carpet in our bedroom...

Besides the fact that the orange camouflage shag carpeting was like napalm for the eyeballs, my main concern with it was my allergies and even though we weren't sure what condition the original hardwood floors would be in, we decided that whatever it was was better than that unholy tangerine explosion. We were pleasantly surprised with what we found underneath. Aside from some expected wearing off of the finish, the floors were in excellent condition considering how old they are. You can't really see it in this picture but the outline of a full size bed with footpaths is visible in one corner of the room. I actually think it adds a lot of character to the floors and find it charming :) After a good sanding and refinishing, these floors will be gorgeous. Now if only we could do something about the size of our bedroom. Even though the house has two bigger bedrooms upstairs, this bedroom is the most logical choice. Unfortunately it's only 10x11 and Boyfriend's gargantuan bedroom furniture won't all fit. In fact, all we'll be able to squeeze in here is the bed and two nightstands. The dressers will be living in a "dressing room" across the hall. Fortunately it's not far at all and won't be a huge inconvenience. Just a little odd :P Though once we add his two dressers to the three dressers left behind by his grandparents that we have no where else to put, the dressing room will have five, yes five, dressers in it. It will literally seem as though we are dresser collectors with a room full of dressers. Hah. 

The bathroom is tiny but has a lot of character. There is floor to ceiling aqua blue tiling that is actually pretty cute and I think I've narrowed down my choice of shower curtain to this:
I'm excited to go pick it up from Bed Bath and Beyond and use my 20% off coupon in the process :)

I've got lots of ideas for decorating the house. Still trying to figure out color schemes. I'm a huge fan of chocolate brown and find myself thinking about that color for every room of the house, but I am forcing myself to crawl outside of my comfort zone color-wise :) Hmm, maybe I should incorporate this idea into my wardrobe too...haha :P 

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have waaaaay too much to be doing to be sitting here blogging any longer. Crazy busy life starts...NOW!

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