Sunday, March 20, 2011

...meat pollution

I'm not usually one to whine about being sick, or maybe I am, I dunno. My ability to think clearly is rather impaired at the moment. Monday night I started noticing a scratchy throat and a dry cough. I didn't really think much of it since Boyfriend and I broiled a steak for him that night and it filled the kitchen with smoke. I'm sensitive to all sorts of things in the air so I figured it was just the meat pollution that was bothering me. Sigh, if only. My scratchy throat and dry cough has evolved into a ridiculously intense cold/flu. Really, I don't know the difference between the two. And apparently this regimen of DayQuil and NyQuil that I've been habitually consuming for the past 5 days has now decided to wreak havoc on my stomach. Joy. I keep waiting for that morning when I wake up feeling infinitely better, but alas it has yet to come. I hate feeling useless and lethargic. I don't think anyone particularly enjoys those feelings. It's only three in the afternoon but feels super late and I'm sad that my weekend has been spent mostly on this couch. 

I did manage to get up for a few hours yesterday and help Boyfriend go through the pantry in the kitchen. That seriously took well over an hour. I went through all the food, throwing away the expired goods, keeping the ones we wanted, and putting the rest in a bag for him to take to work to donate to the Elmhurst Food Bank. The shelves in the pantry are actually shallow rolling drawers so we took each one out and he scrubbed them down. We got hungry before we finished loading the cupboards back up with our food so it's still sitting in boxes on the kitchen floor, hah. 

Sadly until I emerge from this hazy cloud of overall malaise, I probably won't be updating my blog. I promise I'll be back. Just as soon as both of my nostrils are functioning again and the swelling in the glands in my neck subsides. 

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