Sunday, March 11, 2012

A post about time. It's about time.

Please enjoy the following song while you read today's ridiculously belated post.

I'm currently sitting here digesting my breakfast before I go run on the treadmill. Yesterday, I worked out too soon after eating and I was nearly on a one way train to Barfville. There's been far too much barf in this house lately, but that's a story for another day. Sigh. My first blog in months and I open it by talking about my most loathed bodily function. Let's try this again...

Hello! Nice to see you again! One can only infer that since my last post the week of Thanksgiving that some event must have rendered me handless and/or fingerless because surely I wouldn't abandon my blog for months on end without a good explanation if I still had the extremities to type with, right??


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I sometimes frequently suffer from extremely poor time management skills. Really this only relates to my personal life though. In my professional life I'm awesome at getting things done one time, being on time, managing time, keeping track of time, and all other activities that are time related. At home, however, I spend most of my time battling with time. This affliction of mine was only exacerbated by the limited daylight hours that winter so lovingly bestows upon us here in the North Pole Midwest.

So in honor of "Springing forward" I am bringing back the blog, amongst other severely neglected activities such as exercising on a regular basis. Let me walk you through the math here. Winter = snow and frigidity. Snow and frigidity = ice. Ice = unsafe sidewalks. Unsafe sidewalks = no running outside. No running outside = staying inside and getting fat. Ergo, winter = fat. And now I am fat. But now that winter is leaving, the fat should too. Thankfully, Boyfriend's sister lovingly gave us her treadmill that she was no longer using and we have since set it up in our dressing room in front of a picture that I've taped to the wall of us at the beach last summer with the caption "Let's get this SKINNY again". I've only used  the aforementioned once so far but I intend to get on it again at 11:30 so I'm giving myself just 14 more minutes to finish this blog. I need to move along.

I could write a lengthy post recapping the past 4 months since I last blogged but in all honesty the thought of doing that seems daunting because my OCD tendencies would require me to try to recall EVERY event that has happened so as to not leave anything out. And really, if you're reading this, we're probably friends on FaceBook where I post the majority of my daily happenings anyway. I've decided that this time around with the blogging, I'm going to follow a format of daily topics, which I've yet to finalize, but I'm thinking something along the lines of: a post consisting of the interesting questions from the trivia we play every Wednesday night, Friday letters-a topic I've seen on many other daily blogger's blogs, a day where I compile all of my Brutus-isms for the week so that I avoid talking about him incessantly.

Those are the topics I've decided on for sure. I'm toying with the idea of a day where I photo document dinner and/or other food related activities, as well as a day where I hold myself accountable to working out and discussing what I've done over the past week. We'll see. Really the purpose of daily topics is to put less pressure on myself to be entertaining. My main reason for wanting to bring back the blog on a daily basis is because lately I've been really fail at keeping in touch with my loved ones back home. And this to me is one of the easiest ways to fix that :)

Those 14 minutes just flew by and now it's time for my date with the treadmill. I'm glad I was able to squeeze this in in time. This was definitely a post about time. It's about time. Oh, I'm so punny :P

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