Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Questimation mark

It's late and I don't feel like I have much to say today, but I just couldn't go to bed without writing something for the day. I haven't officially picked a Tuesday topic yet but I'll keep mulling it over and I'll see what I come up with.

I went for a run today. Outside. It was like 67 degrees or some ridiculously high number like that considering it is March 13th and I'm pretty sure this time last year it was like raining and icy or something equally as awful. This has been the 3rd warmest winter on record since they started keeping records like 200 something years ago. I didn't do as well on my run as I was hoping to, but I got up and went out and did it as best as I could and for that, I can't complain. I was aiming for an 11:30 minute mile and came in at 11:41, which really good for me considering I took like 6 months off of running. I'm aiming to be at a 10:00 minute-ish mile by the time we go to the Soldier Field 10 Mile on Memorial Day weekend. I'm sure that's a lofty goal that is probably out of my actual realm of capabilities, but a girl can dream :P

I remembered a funny kid quote for yesterday after I posted the blog so I'll squeeze it in here and pretend like it was in Monday's.

During a writing activity, while working with a 3rd grader, I asked her what she needed to put at the end of the sentence to show that she was asking something. Her response? A "questimation mark" :)

Somehow it's already nearly midnight and I really need to go to bed. But yay me for finding the gumption to post this even though I was in a not so fantastic mood tonight. Three days, I'm on a roll!

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