Monday, March 19, 2012

If you dig in the dirt, you'll find dragons and tigers

So I'm kind of cheating as I'm writing this (on Monday, March 26th) because I'm determined to make up all the posts I didn't do last week by writing them this week but I'll be posting them with last week's dates. I won't tell anyone if you won't :P

Hello, Monday. You're a rather easy Monday to handle since tomorrow I am off (my district recognizes Election Day. While I don't understand it, I'm definitely not complaining) and you are also the beginning of the last week before Spring Break. Yay!

Monday means Brutus pictures and kid quotes. I've got some good ones this week. Of both categories :P

Yesterday we took Brutus (albeit illegally since here in Chicago you have to get a permit from your vet that your dog is healthy enough to use the dog parks) to the dog beach at the end of our street. I admittedly have lived in this house for over a year now and have never been to the beach at the end of our street. I think it's because I know it's not the ocean and I just can't justify going. Maybe I'll change my mind this summer. And maybe now having Brutus will inspire me to go enjoy it more often. I think I'm just spoiled from growing up near the Pacific. 

Since we went right before sunset, there was only one other dog there and she was content to just chase her tennis ball instead of interacting with Brutus. He didn't really know what to think of the water. He kind of put his toes in a few times, attempted to drink it once. But he definitely was not trying to dive right in or anything. We mostly just chased him around as he attempted to make a snack out of the sand. I got some super cute pictures of him :)

 Just dipping his toes in.
 The way he moves his body in these three pictures makes me laugh.

I definitely wasn't gonna go in those huge nostrils of his to help him clean out the sand!

And now, for kid quotes.

This one was just too funny not to share. It is a conversation between one of our students and the teacher I work with as she was helping him with an Earth Science lessons on rocks.

Teacher: If I used a shovel to dig into the ground, what would I find in there?
Student: A dragon.
Teacher: Hmm, no. Not a dragon. Let's think about this again. If I made a hole in the ground, in the dirt,        what would I find?
Student: *Takes a few seconds to think* Oh, I know. A tiger!

My next conversation happened between me and a 2nd grader when I was out supervising recess. 

Him: Um, excuse me, teacher? I'm trying really hard to do something but it's too noisy out here. 
Me: Well, what are you trying to do?
Him: I'm trying to penetrate but it's not working. There are too many people around and I need it to be quiet.
Me: What exactly does that mean...what you're trying to do...?
Him: Well, I sit down and I close my eyes and I go like this with my hands *imitates a sort of yoga-esque pose*
Me: Oh, you're trying to meditate. Meditate. It's called meditate.
Him: Oh, ok. Meditate. 
Me: Well why don't you go sit over by the corner of the building where it's quiet.
Him: Ok, thanks! *runs off to the spot I suggested and assumes his yoga-esque penetration/meditation pose*

At the end of recess he came back up to me:

Him: Well, it didn't work. I tried really hard but I just couldn't penetrate.
Me: Meditate.
Him: Yeah, penetrate. I mean, meditate. 
Me: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you can try again at your next recess.
Him: Yeah. Maybe. If I can penetrate for about an hour, I can fly!
Me: Meditate.
Him: Yeah, meditate. 

Thanks to these two quotes, I know now that if you dig in the dirt you'll find dragons and tigers. And if you meditate really hard, you can fly :P

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