Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Zero times

If you recall, (and it's ok if you don't because I know the excitement level here on my blog is somewhat lacking :P) last Tuesday I hadn't picked a Tuesday topic yet. Well now I have, except it's making me sad to write about, haha.

Tuesday's will be the day I hold myself accountable to the working out I've done throughout the week. 

Today's answer to how many times I've worked out during the past week: zero. Zero times. A ridiculous, non-existent, inexcusable zero times. 

I'm trying to stay positive but I'm really doubting my ability to successfully run the Soldier Field 10 Mile on May 26th. The date is fast approaching and I am still fat and out of shape with absolutely no endurance. My only saving grace is that I just have to make sure I can complete the race in under 150 minutes because that's how long the course open for. That equates to a 15 minute mile. Which is basically the average person's walking pace. Which I know I can do. But obviously I'd like to go as fast as possible. I definitely need to stop making excuses and just work out.

Hopefully by this post next week, I'll have something better to report. 

**EDIT: I just realized that I shouldn't be too hard on myself because I did work up a sweat today, just not in the typical running/working out fashion. Boyfriend and I did yard work for literally about three hours. We rid the yard of all the doggie landmines, cut down a tree (!), cut aforementioned tree into smaller pieces and then tied those into bundles, and we pulled weeds. I really need to retrain my thoughts to include activities such as this into my frame of reference as to what is classified as a "workout"? Am I right? I think so :)

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