Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I bit off more than I could chew

Dear 3.2 average readers,

I promise I have not abandoned my only recently renewed little blog. I admittedly think I bit off more than I could chew with the vow to blog every day. While it's definitely not impossible, it's also not the easiest thing to do and requires time management skills that I am still acquiring. From here on out, I will blog when I can and not feel bad or guilty for not finding the time to squeeze it in. 

I have three major events/happenings/goals on my plate right now that are taking up most of my days. They are, in chronological order: 

  1. The Illinois Teacher Certification test that I'm taking this Saturday. For my teacher friends and others in the know, it's the equivalent of the CSET. Those of you who aren't of the teaching persuasion, it's basically a test of my knowledge of the subjects I'm responsible for teaching were I to have my own classroom. The California version of this test was split into three parts and I took all three on one day and passed so I am fairly confident I'll be able to do the same here. Thankfully this one doesn't begin until 1:30 in the afternoon so that in itself will be much less stressful than the CSET with its ungodly 7am reporting time. This test is one of two that I have to pass, along with the completion of a course on the exceptional learner, in order to clear my credential and obtain an "Initial" status instead of the "Preliminary" status I have on my Illinois Teaching Certificate now. 
  2. The frequently aforementioned Soldier Field Run. Boyfriend and I have been alternating between running and P90x to help get ourselves in shape for the upcoming 10 mile run we signed ourselves up for. Today I ran for speed instead of distance and was able to complete one mile in 8:55 which is an absolutely HUGE accomplishment for me. I have a widget on my phone that is counting down the days until the race and it's a mere 46 days away. We've got a lot of work to do. 
  3. And finally, "Apply for Jobs for Next School Year" season has officially begun. I spent two and a half hours working on one application on Friday. Eeesh. I also have a widget counting down until the last day of school. As of today we're at 56. In a perfect world, I'd secure a job for next year sometime in the next 56 days but the odds of that are slim, though I'm remaining optimistic. I'm determined to find a classroom to call my own :)
And now, my friends, I'm off to watch an episode of Dexter with my handsome Boyfriend and slobbery pup. I'll be back around soon :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll admit I was not surprised to see a blog starting with this topic. However, I WAS surprised to see 4 posts that I had yet to read. Good job friend. :]
