Monday, January 24, 2011

This one, apparently, served boiled potatoes.

I just woke up from a super weird dream. I was friends with some really popular blonde girl who kind of resembled Amanda Seyfried. I was at her house getting ready to go out to dinner and I was looking for something to wear. (This was probably my subconscious telling me it's time to wake up and go do the three massive piles of laundry sitting on the bedroom floor.) Unidentified blonde friend had a closet the size of this entire apartment and some gym equipment mixed in with her random piles of clothes. (This I think was my subconscious yelling at me for being too lazy to go workout this morning.) I was looking for something to wear cause it was snowing outside and my friend settled on just some booty shorts with something written across the back and a sweater that was so thin it was see-through. There were a bunch of guys there too, like band looking boys, who were all obsessed with her. Apparently one of them was Paul Rudd because by the time we got to the restaurant, which had moose heads on the wall, he was sitting across from me at the table. The waitress came around to the table and offered us boiled potatoes. Some restaurants serve bread or chips and salsa. This one, apparently, served boiled potatoes. The waitress asked Paul Rudd how many he wanted and when he answered 14, she rolled her eyes and made him stab the potatoes himself out of this huge basket instead of serving them to him. So random.

It's funny how my sleeping habits have changed since I've been here. When I was working for the Y, I had to be at work at 645 every morning, which meant sleeping til about 612 at the latest. Yes, I actually had it timed out that precisely. And now that my life is completely different in so very many ways, I typically don't get out of bed til noon, or noon-thirty. And then I usually take an early evening nap, too. It's kind of amazing. One not awesome thing about it though is that by the time I roll out of bed "in the morning", there are only about 4 hours of daylight left at this time of the year. I heard a commercial on the radio today that said there are only 55 days until Spring. That is super exciting because I know how fast that's gonna come because I know how busy we'll be in the coming months. Though that's not at all to say that I hate the winter. I dislike how unreliable it makes my car, but other than that, it's really not that bad. Of course I usually wear a minimum of 3 layers when I go out, sometimes up to 5, but it's totally doable. There are still a lot of snow related activities that I've yet to do, like SLEDDING and snowmen/angels/balls, so I don't mind that Winter will be hanging out for a while longer. And I have a feeling that if I came home to visit right now, I'd be sweltering in the 75 degree heat ;)

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