Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm tired of being sloth-like

I didn't mean to not blog for two weeks. And now that I haven't posted anything since January 30th, I feel overwhelmed by the amount of days that have passed and worry that I've forgotten something worth actually blogging about instead of my usual meaningless ramblings. Blehhh. 

This month has been pretty busy. Work is fantastic and I really like the family. I feel like my personality meshes with the household dynamic really well so going to work is actually enjoyable. Aaaaand it doesn't hurt that I only work for about 3.5-4 hours a day and make way more money than I did working nearly full time for the Y. Hah. I am definitely looking to find a second job, 'cause I've got my sights set on quite a few things that I want/need. After we discovered our mutual love of Dyson vacuums, Boyfriend and I made a list of must-haves. And what a hefty list it is. It's comprised mostly of a wide variety of kitchen appliances/accessories but it's also peppered with some pets, a few pieces of furniture, and some choice electronics. By this time next month, Boyfriend and I will be undertaking a new challenge of living in a house in the city! I am so, SO excited for so, SO many reasons! We've been living together for about a month and a half now and the transition so far has been seamless. That's probably because he and I are essentially the same person. Like, for real. While living together permanently was not at all the original plan when I decided to move out here, this house opportunity has presented itself and going into it together feels away we go! (Loved that movie, Away We Go, btw)

I survived the third worst storm in Chicago's history! I honestly was not too affected by the blizzard and was actually kind of excited to sit inside and watch it all unfold from the comfort of this cozy apartment. I was scared to drive afterward since it took quite a few days for the streets to become completely snow-free. Especially the streets in Elmhurst. I know there was a ton of snow, but they did a fail job at removing it. I have a picture of the street where Boyfriend's bar is that shows how the snow was literally plowed into the middle of the road and stood about 4 feet high, creating this faux center divider. Lots of parking lots had snow mounds that were upwards of 15 feet high. It was crazy. Digging my car out was  not as bad as I anticipated. We used the two saucer sleds that Boyfriend keeps in his trunk and had our cars dug out in less than 10 minutes. After our cars were free from their snowy fortresses, we used those saucers for their intending purpose and got in a fun night sledding session! So much fun. We went to an actual sled hill and were the only people there. At first I was super scared just because I'm an old woman now and know that getting injured as an adult hurts a lot worse than it did as a kid. Fortunately, I survived my first experience with night sledding unscathed and really can't wait to do it again. Most of the snow has melted away with the super warm weather we've had this week. And by super warm I mean that it was over 50 degrees today, which is still jacket weather at home, but is typical weather of May here, definitely not February. It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow and there's rain predicted so I imagine most of the snow will quickly disappear. I can't decide if I'm gonna miss it or not 'cause I'm really not a huge fan of the cold but the view from these sixth story windows is just gorgeous when the everything is covered in white.

Family-wise this past week and a half has been filled with uncertainty and the unknown. My Grandpa Felix, my mom's dad, my favorite grandpa, has recently become very, very ill. So ill that his 7 children have gathered in Texas to be with him from their various corners of the world. I'm thankful that they were all able to go. He's in hospice care now and at this point we're just taking each day as it comes. That's all we really can do.

I'm ready for it to be the weekend. And I get a three day weekend :) Yay, I need it. I also need some yoga. Stat. I really want to get back to work on my skinny mission. Luckily summer comes later here than at home so I've got some time to get back into shape ;) So much going on. So much to do. C'est la vie, right?

I think there are only like, five people who regularly read this, but to those five extremely well-loved individuals, I promise to get back into the habit of writing more regularly. I'm looking to do a schedule/routine overhaul here soon. I'm tired of being sloth-like :P

1 comment:

  1. yeah, sloth-like isn't very becoming on you. thanks for stepping up your game; i know i have. i'm so sorry about your grandpa :( hopefully he isn't suffering too terribly. p.s. you'll miss the snow. it's so beautiful isn't it? xoxo
