Thursday, February 17, 2011


I need to start eating healthier. And working out again. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, it has become waaaaay too easy to be lazy here. It's so tempting to just lay around, staring into those gorgeous slanty eyes Boyfriend has, relishing the fact that I'm with someone who is really, really ridiculously good looking. Yum :) 

While I typically don't buy (much) junkfood, I've been compelled to eat all things sweet during this heavenly week of hormonal rampage wreaking havoc on my body and mind. I've made a commitment to myself that after I finish off the half pan of brownies and carton of 

that I will go back to my ways of fruits and veggies and legumes and nuts and, now, the occasional lean meat. I even ate pork this week. Pork! It seriously had been at least 7 years since I last consumed some swine. I really don't think this blog needs to be full of what I eat or don't eat or have eaten or intend on eating but the bottom line is I want to be healthier and am going to put a plan into action to do so. 

I also have a plan to get...drumroll please...BRACES!!! I feel SO fortunate that I am finally in a situation where I'll be able to get the perfect smile I've always wanted  to compliment my amazing 1.5 dimples :P I know it will be a long process, that must first involve the removal of all four of my wisdom teeth, but I am so, so excited for the end result. I'm already a confident person but I can only imagine what feeling completely content with my physical appearance will do for me. Yay! This braces adventure of mine is still in the pre-planning stages right now, but I will most definitely post details as they unfold. 

I'm trying to come up with some decorative ideas for the house. I want simple, yet classy and unique, projects that I can put into action and complete myself. I don't feel like I'm overly creative when I'm left to my own devices, but I'm really good at following directions or replicating something I've seen in a magazine and such. We're going over to the house this weekend to start getting it ready for us to move into and while I'm there I'm gonna try to come up with some color schemes. This kind of decorating makes me so happy. I even read Martha Stewart Living at work yesterday. And may have looked at her website last night. One of the other 203940980751 million reasons I'm excited to move into the house with Boyfriend is that we'll have room for a garden. He and I are both absolute garden geeks and I cannot wait til I can get in there and plant my veggies and fruits and herbs and flowers. Eeeeep! Spring, please come quickly!! :) :) :)

And now, if you'll excuse me, there's a warm brownie with a dollop of mint cookie crunch ice cream on top calling my name! ;) 

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