Saturday, November 5, 2011

I kind of can't even comprehend how big that must mean Alaska is

I'm laying here on the most delicious chair-and-a-half, listening to "Sounds of Nature", specifically the tracks with rain and thunder and wind, as if I don't get enough of that here, haha. It makes me wonder if people who grew up with those types of weather elements find the sounds as satisfying as those of us who put them on to pretend. At least, that's why I listen to them. I am adjusting well I think to living somewhere that gets nearly 40 inches of precipitation a year compared to the measly 12 inches at home. 

It's funny because tonight on Facebook, a lot of people from home are commenting/complaining about the cold weather. It's actually going to be colder the next few nights in Southern California than it will be here in Chicago, haha. Though I'm sure they will be the ones laughing when in just a few weeks, I'll be the one covered in snow while they enjoy their mild, 60 degree winter.

I can't believe it's November. Like for real. I saw my first Christmas commercial today. Seriously?! And at the grocery store I saw Christmas candy already too. I know I'm probably jaded in my view of Christmas, since I've always felt it cheapens my birthday, but I think Christmas supplies/decorations/etc in the same week as Halloween is just absurd. Considering Christmas is nearly at the end of December, bringing it out so early is overkill. I am excited for this Christmas though, I will admit. But that's only because it's the first one I'll spend in a city that actually has seasons and maybe we'll get snow on the big day :) And a tree will be super fun to decorate with Boyfriend. But I'm not excited enough to start preparing/celebrating it yet! Haha. And hopefully by then we'll have a puppyfriend in the family! Tomorrow is our home visit with the volunteer from the rescue, so fingers crossed that it all goes well!

Boyfriend and I might take a little weekend trip somewhere next weekend. We're kind of playing it by ear but I told him it might be one of our last dog-free weekends so we should take advantage of not having the responsibility of a puppy quite yet and go away to recharge our batteries before the busy holiday season is really upon us, not this fake, 4 days after Halloween crap :P If we had more time than just a weekend, we really are within a day's driving distance of some places I'd like to see someday, like Pittsburgh and Nashville and Washington D.C. and Minneapolis. That's one thing that it's nice about not living in the country's 3rd largest state--here, you can drive through multiple states within a matter of just a few hours, unlike home where it takes over 4 hours to leave through the East and over 12 hours to leave through the North. Road trips from home to my aunt's in Texas seemed like such looooong treks because it takes just as long to get from home to El Paso as it does to get from El Paso to her little town. I kind of can't even comprehend how big that must mean Alaska is...Oh the thoughts that scamper through my head. How random they are.

And now it's 2:00 in the morning and we really should go to bed since tomorrow we have a busy day of projects around the house, our Mastiff visit, a beer tasting event, and our usual Saturday night out on the town :P And when I say we, clearly I mean me and Boyfriend. I don't have multiple personalities. Pretty sure at least ;)

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