Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It fully explains my aversion to nachos

I really don't know what it is that inhibits me from keeping myself out of crappy moods. I was in a perfectly lovely mood while I was driving home from work, happy to get home before 7:00 for a change. And now since I've been home, I've been ridiculously productive: emptied/reloaded the dishwasher plus washing the pots and pans that we don't put in there, cleaned the kitchen counters, started dinner, finished all but 1 load of laundry (out of 7!), folded 2 other loads of existing laundry that had been sitting around for nearly a week waiting to be folded, cleaned up the living room...yet, somehow during my massive housework accomplishments, I slipped into this super cranky state of being. Thankfully, Boyfriend's not home to have to experience this side of me. 

Or maybe that's the reason why I'm annoyed. He's out with a friend and his phone died and now I have no idea when he's coming home and it's bothering me 'cause I'm such a planner and want to have all the details of my life figured out all the time. I really try not to be such a stubborn, over-planner but it's really hard to change that about me. It's also going to be hard to not be annoyed at him when he gets home, which sucks because we rarely ever argue, but if the situation were reversed, he would be just as annoyed as me. Mostly it's just that I worry when he's out. It's not like we live in a bad area or anything, but we do live in the 3rd largest city in the U.S. and who knows who or what he might encounter walking home alone from the El. Ugh, makes my stomach hurt just to think about. 

In other, more positive news, my phone call with the volunteer from the Mastiff Rescue went really well and we have a home visit scheduled for Saturday afternoon. I had our vet records faxed over to the president of the rescue and the volunteer is planning on contacting our references, so providing the home visit goes well (which I'm sure it will), we should be added to the list to be placed with a mastiff :) I was told that after everything is cleared, it typically takes between 1-3 months to get placed with a dog, though it's happened as quickly as two weeks so there's really no telling. Hopefully by the end of the year, but I'll be patient :)

I think I'll attempt to find something to do to keep my mind off of my...mind? Maybe I'll go read one of the 20+ Time magazines I've been stockpiling and not reading, for some inexplicable reason. Speaking of reading I just came across this article, and I can totally relate: It fully explains my aversion to nachos :P


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