Sunday, October 30, 2011

I clearly fell off the blog wagon...

The weekends lately have really been throwing off my sleeping schedule. We keep staying up/out until 3:00ish and yet my body insists on waking up at normal time. Which I suppose is a good thing 'cause then on Sunday night when I have work the next day I'm actually too tired to stay up ridiculously late. I never really realized how much my body depends on its rhythm though, haha. 

I clearly fell off the blog wagon a few days ago and have been thinking about writing ever since. Thursday night I came home in a bad mood and didn't feel like doing much of anything, not the least of all blogging. It was one of those funks due to wacky monthly hormone levels that makes me feel like life is too hard and I can't possibly function as an adult. Boyfriend clearly doesn't suffer from the same hormonal hardship and can't relate/doesn't understand whenever I get into one of those extremely apathetic, nearly catatonic states. He just tries to encourage me to stop, which does absolutely nothing at all except for remind me that I'm being outrageous which just further aggravates me because I can't just be normal at times like that. It's a vicious cycle and I feel bad that he has to be a part of it, but living with your loved one means participating in all aspects of their life, not just the good times :P

The mood carried over into Friday when I again became extremely depressed about a Groupon I bought back in July for CorePower Yoga. It was the last day I could use it so I called one of the studios to try to set up my membership only to be told that I'd have to do so in person. Boo. That set me off into the depths of despair because actually going to one of the studios to sign up just seemed way too difficult. And we were supposed to be meeting up with Boyfriend's sister and time was moving too quickly but all I could seem to do was lay there and lament about how incredibly taxing the entire situation was. Obviously, writing this now I can see what a windy whiner I am about it all. And really I feel like at the times when life seems like one entirely too complicated feat, there is a small, logical side of me that's telling me to get up, shut up, and do whatever it is I feel I'm incapable of accomplishing. I'm working on getting that side to grow bigger in hopes of one day dominating the dreadfully depressed, hormonally influenced parasitic organism that takes over my brain from time to time. 

I've decided that I'm going to go to yoga today. I think. I told myself I'd go to a 1:30 class and in my head I really, really want to. It's just getting the rest of me to cooperate with that decision. And now since writing that, I looked at the class schedule again and decided I really don't want to go today because I'd like to use my Sunday to relax. I know that's just a cop out. And I know that I really should go because I absolutely LOVED going to yoga all the time before I moved out here. Until I get back in the habit of going on a regular basis, I feel like I need to schedule it on a weekday morning to make myself get up and do it before work to serve as a nice start to my day. What I really need is someone to go with to motivate myself to get there so I don't let them down by flaking out. What I really need is to stop talking about it and just do it. 

My Sunday feels incomplete because the Bears have a bye this week. Before moving here I wasn't a necessarily a Bears fan, but since I live in the city, I feel compelled to root, root, root for the home team. (Random Chicago related tidbit about that song--At the Cubs games they say, "Root, root, root for the Cubbies" and when Boyfriend heard me sing the song as just "home team" he realized that not everyone [obviously] says Cubbies when they sing it :P) I'm sure the day will mostly be spent helping Boyfriend recover from too much drinking last night and hopefully carving our pumpkins (finally). If we don't do it today we might as well not carve them at all because, unlike Christmas, I feel like Halloween is a holiday whose decorations should be put away by November 1st.


I started this blog before noon today and now it's nearly 9:00. We've literally spent all day just laying around, making great use of our Netflix streaming app on our tv. We've watched 2 episodes of South Park, Paranormal Activity 2, and 3 episodes of The Walking Dead. It's the most tv I've watched in one sitting in a reallllly long time. Boyfriend is also the most hungover he's been in a reallllly long time. Hah. I know my limit. He apparently does not :P Needless to say, pumpkin carving did not happen today. I think pumpkin guts would have made Boyfriend lose his guts yet again :P Poor puker. 

I'll end this blog with one last bit of exciting news: I have a phone call scheduled tomorrow night with one of the volunteers from a local Mastiff Rescue to hopefully start the adoption process for adding a new member to our little psuedo-family :)  So anxious and excited!!! :D Fingers crossed we are accepted as potential adopters! I will most definitely be posting a follow up blog tomorrow. Until then!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear you on the whole gym thing. I just agreed agreed agreed with everything you wrote. Especially the crossed out and bolded stuff. Oh, and it's "root root root for the dodgers" fact :]
