Sunday, October 23, 2011

15. 1-5. Fifteen.

I decided that last page layout I was using for my blog was just too much and as a result I am reverting back to something simple in the meantime until I find a good amount of minutes to logically sit down and come up with something cutesy again. I have minutes right now. Lots of minutes actually. But I don't feel like using them for anything that requires thinking. I really should be using the word time but because I already used it in the word meantime, I don't feel like I can use it again in this paragraph. I am most definitely the type of person who will Shift+F7 (yay for you if you know what that means!) repeat words in my writing just to sound more intelligent and to assuage my OCD tendencies. I learned the word assuage in my 6th grade language arts class. It took me a long time to realize it wasn't pronounced "a-sausage". Clearly I have no phonetic abilities. 

So here it is, 3 weeks after I last wrote and I am nearly just as fail as before. On the plus side, I guess I am getting this written before the one month between postings mark so there's a bit of a silver lining as far as the regularity of this blog is concerned. Not like digestive regularity. But regularity as in blogging consistently. 

Speaking of regularity, in a sense, I have a funny bathroom related story. I promise to not go into gross details but if you'd rather not read my potty prose, just quit here...
For those of you who stayed, thank you for being as curious of a soul as I am ;) Last Friday, Boyfriend and I met up with his sister and some friends for an impromptu and super casual dive bar bar crawl. We started out at a not so scummy place and then proceeded onto a cesspool of filth before taking a detour to  a very nice, rather pristine local gay bar/club called Side Track (how appropriately named it is since we got "side-tracked" from our dive bar bar crawl :P). Shortly after arriving, my stomach started to churn and make weird noises in protest of who knows what. When I get these stomach episodes, they include cramps to the point of nausea, cold sweats, hot flashes, and other undesirable ailments. Typically I try to head home when I become so afflicted, but the trip home would have taken well over half an hour with lots of walking without bathrooms nearby. So I decided to swallow my fear of public bathrooms and wandered to the back corner to find the facilities. 

Usually when you enter the women's bathroom in a bar in the city on a weekend night, one walks into a barrage of various women doing various things like redoing their hair and makeup, crying with friends about how so and so isn't paying enough attention them, giving drunken directions to someone on the phone, etc. I braced myself as I pushed open the door, silently praying that it would be one that had more than 1 or 2 stalls and that hopefully no one would come wait in line behind me while my intestines angrily expelled their contents. To my surprise, the bathroom was completely empty. I then realized, duhhhh, 99.5% of the patrons at a gay bar are men! I was in the clear to use the bathroom in peace :) Crisis averted!

Life lesson # 101,511: Gay bars are one of the best places to use the women's restroom. 

In other news, Boyfriend and I ran a 5k through a corn maze in quite literally the middle of nowhere Illinois. It was difficult in that it was nearly impossible to gain any speed as there were essentially no parts of the course that were straight-aways. 

Here is a rough gps tracking of the course that I recorded on my phone using RunKeeper:

I know a 5k is not that far of a distance, but I was proud that I was able to run it in 35 minutes considering I haven't been running on a regular basis since July really. Boyfriend would have loved to go faster but he was sweet and stayed with me the whole time. He said he was running this race for fun, not for speed which I think is a nice way of saying I'm slow but he loves me anyway :P 

I've already picked out our next 5k: The Santa Hustle on December 3rd. Every participant gets a Santa shirt to run in along with a beard and hat. Plus there are hot chocolate and cookie stations along the course. Doesn't get much better than that! I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune when it's actually the first weekend in December and it's more likely than not snowy and/or snowing. But the concept behind it all seems super fun and I'm excited :) We'll see what it's like to run in snow... Definitely something I don't have any previous experience with!

Speaking of cold weather, this is something I found out a while back but never blogged about. Apparently here in Chicagoland, students are permitted/required to have outdoor recess until the temperature drops below 15 degrees. 15. 1-5. Fifteen. I know that the Mid West is not in any way, shape, or form Southern California and so the frame of reference for acceptable weather temperatures here is completely different. But I feel like 15 degrees is cruel and unusual punishment. If somehow the weather in Southern California were ever to drop that low and schools insisted the students still have outdoor recess, there would be a litany of complaints filed against the district. Haha. I am not at all looking forward to that aspect of Winter and have a list of cold weather items on my Christmas wish list that I'll be giving to Boyfriend :P

Speaking of Boyfriend, we had a bit of a disagreement on Tuesday night that carried over into Wednesday morning. We don't argue very frequently at all which, considering we have not spent a day apart since December of last year, is nothing short of miraculous :P Anyway, following the not so fantastic night/day, I came home from work on Wednesday evening to find that Boyfriend had bought me flowers as a peace offering. Super sweet. Just when I think he can't possibly get any better, he does :) The bouquet is a really pretty lily arrangement (my 2nd favorite flower after orchids, but those obviously don't come in bouquet form) and at the start there were 3 flowers and 5 buds and now four days later, 2 of those buds have opened and another 2 look like they'll be following suit soon :) I've never had such a successful flower arrangement where the buds actually continue to mature and open. Just typing this makes me smile. I love that boy. 


Yet again I've failed to complete a blog the same day I start it. I began writing this on Friday evening and now it's Sunday night. We had quite the busy weekend that resulted in us not going to bed until after 3am both nights, which definitely used to be the norm but is not at all our way of life as of late. My body is still used to getting up around 9 and promptly did so yesterday and today. So needless to say I'm pooped and feel as though I've been run over repeatedly by a truck. There's a random thunderstorm going on outside right now that sounds absolutely lovely so I think I'll go curl up in my freshly laundered, deliciously scented sheets and put myself to bed at a decent hour. Until next time! :)

P.S. I need to find a better way to link common topics between paragraphs. I started 3 paragraphs off with, "Speaking of..." Repetitive much? :P

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