Wednesday, October 26, 2011

If that's not a sign of some dangerous moves, then I don't know what is

I think the last time I posted four days in a row was...wait? Have I ever done that? 

  • I just realized that it's almost November and I signed up for something I mentioned on here a while back called NaNoWriMo. To me, completing that will be the equivalent of a mental marathon. I still haven't even started brainstorming ideas and should really probably get on that if I plan on taking this challenge seriously considering it starts next Tuesday.
  • Also next Tuesday is my neice-y's 2nd birthday! I can't believe she's already 2! I also need to get on having her present made and shipped. Why oh why aren't there enough hours in the day?
  • In all honesty, I feel kind of guilty complaining about a lack of free time when tonight I fully enjoyed laying here on the couch all cuddled up with Boyfriend as we watched "Casper" on ABC Family. Haha. It's not often that I take nights off to do absolutely nothing. Monday we bottled a batch of hard cider that Boyfriend made a few months ago and then started a new batch with some cider we bought at a farm the same weekend of the corn maze 5k. Last night I went all sorts of shopping, so tonight I think I'm entitled to some down time. Especially considering today is the most loathed day of the month coupled with this intense sinus pressure related to some grimy sickness the germ-laden kids I work with have so lovingly bestowed upon me. I really don't know who I feel the need to justify myself to. Haha. I'm an adult and I'll do as I please.
  • Boyfriend and I submitted our information to be considered to adopt a Mastiff through the Great Lakes Mastiff Rescue! It says we'll hear back within 10 days from someone regarding the next step in the process and I am suuuuuper excited that we might be adding a little, ok well not so much little, but a puppy friend to our little household! :)
  • Boyfriend is sitting on his computer about 15 feet away from me and I just sent him the link to this video. I'm having formatting issues and Blogger isn't letting me post it in the right spot. As soon as he started listening to the song, he started dancing. I smiled and then I melted and fell in love with him all over again. I melt when he dances. Seriously, his dancing is so potent, it caused this warm weather loving, Southern California girl to move to the North Pole! If that's not a sign of some dangerous moves, then I don't know what is :P
  • Tomorrow is gonna be super easy in my reading groups because it's Progress Monitoring day. Yay! Today actually wasn't bad either and I ended up awarding my 5th graders all an extra point for our positive behavior system because I appreciated their hard work so much. I love when days go smoothly. And I love being able to tell my kids how proud of them I am at the end of our time together instead of taking about what could be improved upon for next time. One student was absent today so the feel of the whole group was different. I'm hoping the rest of them feel some confidence from today and that carries over into tomorrow and the future. 
  • I managed to stay awake past 11:00! That is nearly unheard of these days. I don't like it at all because it means I rarely get to talk to my mom anymore. That needs to change. Still working on my overall progress in life :) And with four straight days of blogging under my belt, I'd say I'm doing a fairly good job at re-establishing old routines :D

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