Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh you betcha

Blogging two days (techinically) in a row? Oh you betcha (reminds me of Bobby's mom from Bobby's World). As I write this, I'm listening to an album an old friend of mine recently completed. We used to be email pen pals, with various periods of time producing more emails than others. I once got a hand written letter (people still write those?) from him as he took a road trip across multiple states and it was honestly one of the funniest things I have ever read in my life. I hope that I still have that letter tucked away in a drawer somewhere 'cause it was a precious little literary gem. Initially I just spelled gem, "Jem", yet another literary Jem :P

I'm a bit pressed for time as I'm trying to write this during the time Boyfriend's taking a shower in between our "Breaking Bad" marathon we've been in the middle of having for the past few weeks. We're about to watch the Season 2 finale. So I think tonight's entry will be in bullet form for speed purposes. 

  • I think I'm going to quit my nanny job after the holidays, provided I can find another source of income because lord knows I can't survive on my 11.25 hours a week I work as a Reading Interventionist. I want to go back to school to get my ESL endorsement. Those of you who are interested in knowing exactly what that means and entails can find that out here. My hope is that I'll be able to get enough money in grants/loans that I can use that to live off of until I acquire full time employment. 
  • It's really interesting working at such a diverse school because the students I work with are aware of so many different countries and cultures that in the past couple weeks I've been asked if I am Romanian as well as Russian. And really they're not all that far off. I feel like most kids from the melting pot I hail from would not be able to pinpoint exactly where I look like I descend from. The students at my school seem especially in tune with it. I secretly love that about them.
  • I haven't tweezed/threaded/maintained in any way my right eyebrow since June. June. That was 4 months ago. I usually go for threading but haven't been able to find the time to do so. And because I wear my side bangs over my right eye, they hide it so well that one would never suspect I have a rainforest of an eyebrow growing under there. At first I didn't tweeze it 'cause I didn't want to mess up the beautiful shaping the girl from the threading shop so perfectly created. But now that shape is long gone and I chalk my unkempt eyebrow up to laziness now. 
  • I've discovered my stomach is intolerant to sugar alcohol. So much for the sugar-free caramel I was dipping my fresh from the orchard apples in. Boo. 
  • This morning as I was backing out of my driveway to leave for work, I saw a firetruck drive up the street in my rear view mirror. I didn't really think anything of it until I realized that if the firetruck ended up being called to our street, that it would have no where to park but in the middle of the car-lined, one-way street. Aaaaand of course it stopped about half way up my street, apparently having been  called out for some medical emergency. I came back in the house and called my school to tell them I might be late if the fire truck didn't move in time. Then along came an ambulance too. I decided I didn't want to wait any longer so I drove the wrong way down my one way street to leave for work. I figured that if by some unfortunate stroke of luck a cop were to drive by and see me committing this terribly illegal driving maneuver, that I would just bat my lashes and hope that they'd be sympathetic to my plight of getting to work on time, seeings as how they are fellow civil servants and all :P 
  • If my 5th graders can't stop saying the word "fart" while we're in our reading group, I might lose my mind. Someday they'll realize that word is no longer amusing. Sighhhhh. 
  • This afternoon at my nanny job, the 4th grader and I were pretending to be ninjas and my right pinky finger got jammed. I forgot what it felt like to jam a finger. Brings me back to my tetherball days :P
That's all I've got for tonight. Yay for being consecutively consistent! :)

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