Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It may be baby steps, but it's progress

Three days in a row! Could it be I'm slowly finding time in my life to do things once again?! Kind of. I'm still working on things like returning library books on time (note to self, that one book is about 5 days overdue), actually going to yoga class that I paid for like 4 months ago, and going running. I'll return that book tomorrow, I'll go to yoga on Friday (kind of have to because it's the day my Groupon expires! :P), and running...well...soon enough. I'm liking these bullets as of late, so they will continue.
  • At the beginning of the school year, on a day that looked like it was threatening to rain, I asked one of the other playground supervisors what we would do if it were to begin raining while we were outside. She said she wasn't sure because she could never really remember a time when that had happened. At home, if it's going to rain, it's raining. When rain is predicted it's an all day event. Here, if rain is in the forecast, it might happen, it might not, and if it does it can and will stop and start at least 10 times, just for good measure. Since I asked that question, it has started to rain halfway through recess at least 4 times. Today was the worst time it had ever done so. I think I jinxed the school.
  • I also realized today that people here don't have sprinkler systems for their front/back yards because there is enough precipitation here all year round to keep their lawns green. That is such a weird concept to me. Haha. Sprinkler lines would freeze and bust in winter here, so I totally understand why they're not used. But it was just funny finding yet another difference between Chicago and home. 
  • I drove 45 minutes in traffic to get to my afternoon job, only to be told I was only needed for an hour today. I then proceeded to drive home in traffic for 45 more minutes once my hour was up. I spent more time getting to my job than I actually spent at it. Definitely need to look into something different for the new year. 
  • Another one of my lilies opened up today. I love that I'm getting to enjoy them for so long! And there are still two more buds to go!
  • One perk of getting off so early meant that I got my grocery shopping, Target shopping, and Costco shopping done in one fell swoop! And with Boyfriend along for the errand running to boot! I spent way more money than I care to at one time, but at least we'll be stocked up for like well over a month! :) You know you're an adult when something like that is one of the silver lining moments of your day. 
  • I've been thinking a lot about trying to find a time to go home to visit lately. I'm just not sure when. Traveling over the holidays just does not at all sound appealing (not to mention it's super expensive). In my head, in my ideal future I'm trying to imagine for myself, I'll finish working my afternoon job at the very end of the year and use the second week of my Christmas break to go home to see my family. That is definitely some good motivation for me to work out my income situation!!
  • Boyfriend and I decided that one of our goals to accomplish next year is for both of us to have what we refer to as "real people jobs". Yes, he and I are both real, physical people, but we want jobs that real people have, you know the kinds with salaries and benefits? I know those are hard to come by nowadays, but for serious, we need/want them. In obtaining these real people jobs, we will sell both of our cars and buy something new together. Provided he (or I for that matter) can get a job where we can take the L, we really only need one car. Super excited at the prospect of that!
That's probably plenty of reading for one sitting. I intend on doing this again tomorrow so I'm feeling less and less like I need to write a lengthy post of "The Iliad" proportions. It may be baby steps, but it's progress :)

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