Friday, September 30, 2011


So there's been like this HUGE spike in traffic on my blog lately from some person(s) Googling the term "heat for the seat paddle". I have a picture that I linked to in a blog that I wrote when my Grandpa died back in February. It's really weird because now that blog post discussing the things I will remember/miss about my Grandpa has over 50 views. I really don't know why this term is being repeatedly searched for, but it's kind of amusing...that is, as long as the person entering those keywords isn't looking to buy one to use on their children, but is hopefully reminiscing about something funny as I was. 

In other news, I had something funny happen at work this week and I was just looking up YouTube videos in an attempt to find an example of what I wanted to talk about, and while this video doesn't exactly depict what I am going to discuss, it is still funny to me because it's done by a girl who moved from Chicago to LA, the flip flop of what I did (of sorts).  <---Click it, do it! I was trying to find a video of Chicagoan vowels, haha. But wouldn't you know it, there aren't any results for those search terms :P Maybe I'll have to video some Chicagoans and post it myself :P So, my story. I was working with my reading groups and we came to the spelling part of the lesson where I dictate words to the kids and they write them on their white boards. The word was "slot" and as I scanned their boards I noticed that one of the students wrote "slut". Aaah!

I can assure you this was not intentional as it was written by a student who probably does not even know the meaning of the word. I sounded out the word again and the student was able to get the correct spelling. I told Boyfriend about this when I came home and he said that it was most likely because of my accent that the student wasn't able to sound it out right. What the what?! My accent? I don't really have one. I kind of regard Californian speech as the standard now, due to the massive impact Hollywood has on seemingly everyone. He said if I would have said it with a Chicagoan accent that their probably would have been no confusion. To try to explain to those of you who are unfamiliar with Chicagoan accents, say the word "black". That is how people here say "block". The "o" sound is very high and somewhat nasal-y. The teacher in me feels like I should teach all this silly Chicagoans how to properly pronounce their vowels :P

A couple of other funny quotes from the week:

A conversation between me and a second grader playing with a plastic die (you know, as in dice, but just one so grammatically speaking it is just a die) at recess:

Student: I'm gonna roll the dice.
Me: What number do you think you'll get?
Student: I don't know! I'm not a robot!!

A conversation between me and a fourth grader whose class I supervise for indoor recess:
Student: You're like the best teacher ever. I think you're the nicest teacher at the whole school.
Me: Aww, thank you.
Student: I mean, it's like you're one of us. A student. You never yell at us and you understand us. 
(So glad to know I'm viewed as a student :P)

A 7 year old came up to me at recess and said the following:
Student: *snaps at the beginning of each word, while moving his hand from side to side* 
(snap) Nobody (snap) messes (snap) with (snap) me!

A 2nd grader talking to me at recess:
Student: Nobody wants to play with me.
Me: Well what are you wanting to play?
Student: School.
Me: Well how do you play school?
Students: First, you come outside and sit down and be quiet. Next, you listen to me talk. A lot. Then you take a really hard math test. 
Me: Well, sweetie, I don't know that people want to sit down and take really hard math tests at recess. Is there a different way you could play school?
Student: No. I really like math. Hard math. It's really fun.
...Needless to say, he never found anyone to play with him :/

***I'd like it noted that I started writing this blog post on September 30th. It's October 9th now. I'm trying to not be so fail at blogging/life/anythingthatrequiresgoodtimemanagementskills.***

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