Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Questions and Requests

So far at my new job, I've received lots of questions and requests. This week I've gotten requests from two different students. Not the typical, "Can I go to the bathroom?" or the like. These were requests that made me smile :) One student asked me to please teach third grade next year while the other was pleading for my presence in fifth grade. I'm definitely going to mention it to my principal that I've already received requests from students wanting me to be their teacher next year :) ***(Side note: My OCD is telling me that I used the base word "request" far too many times in this paragraph but I can't think of a good synonym so it's staying. Boo :P)***

The second grader actually said I should do something like this: "Ok, so what you need to do is go up to Ms. Insertmakebelievelastnamehere (a current 3rd grade teacher) and say, 'I'm taking over! This is my class now! You may leave!' " Bahaha! This boy is gutsy, I tell you. It was hilarious hearing his game plan for how to make me his teacher for next year. Truth be told, I'd love to have the little guy in my class some day. He's a great kid. Though really I'd love to have any little guys or gals in my class. I'd just love to have a class. Sighhh, patience!! :) It'll happen eventually, right?!!?

I also keep getting asked how old I am, to which I respond 135. It always catches them off guard as they try to figure out if I'm telling the truth or not, because teachers never lie, right?! 

One question I do always lie about is when they ask if I have a boyfriend. If I was married I would answer honestly, and that's not at all to say that I'm embarrassed/ashamed of Boyfriend because he's not my husband. It's just that I feel like a husband is something you admit to having, whereas a boyfriend, at least in a professional setting, is something you usually don't go around advertising, at least not to the students. I might be completely alone in this way of thinking, but it's just the way I choose to conduct myself. I'd rather err on the side of professionalism than be seen as a blabbermouth. 

I just love watching kids' minds at work and seeing what kind of questions they come up with in their attempt at interpreting the world around them :) One of my absolute favorite things about teaching.

I had indoor recess duty for the first time today, and honestly now I hope it rains everyday :P Haha. I had such an easy day only being responsible for watching one fourth grade class in their room. Much better than my day yesterday where I broke up a violent fist fight between two fifth graders at lunch recess. Eeeesh. While I definitely hope that never happens again, I now know what to do if another situation like that should ever present itself. 

Ok, just wanted to write a quick post (I had one particular Twinsie in mind while I jotted this all down :P). Boyfriend and I are off to cuddle in our glorious chair-and-a-half and watch "The Departed" :)

1 comment:

  1. you WILL have your own classroom one day - just keep doing what you're doing! your good reputation and rapport with the students will do all the work :]
