Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'll be using more bullets again today. It takes some of the pressure off of writing when I know I don't really need to worry about making a cohesive paragraph. I really don't know where these blogging rules came from that I hold myself accountable to. 

There are things I should be doing, so I need to make this speedy. 

  • I subbed for 1st grade today! Only for an hour to cover the teacher while our school conducted grade level TACC (Teacher/Assistant/Coach Conference) meetings to discuss reading and math interventions. It was so great to be back in the classroom again, if only for a short time. First grade doesn't at all intimidate me 'cause I've been there done that and I was able to not only be an effective sub, but to enjoy my time there as well :)
  • Speeeeeaking of subbing, I'm doing it again tomorrow! But this time ALL DAY and for a 3rd grade class. I'll be going to my afternoon job an hour late tomorrow, but to me it's worth it to be able to have the opportunity to sub and show my principal just what I'm made of and that I'm a "Yes" girl :) Wish me luck!!
  • Today I got my reading groups assigned and got my materials. I'm so bringing home my Teacher's Editions to read this weekend. Haha.
  • I had an hour and a half long convo with Twinsie today. It makes me happysad to talk to her 'cause it makes me realize how much I miss her all over again. Blast these 2,000 miles between me and all 99% of my loved ones. I told her, and I quote, the "best story she's heard all month" and she laughed so hard she was wheezing and coughing and achey. I will not be repeating it here, but it is quite the doozie :P She also gave me some very good and much needed advice about not being shy about speaking up for myself to ensure that I'm doing everything I can to work toward my goal of having my own classroom next year. She is most definitely my sister from another mister. <3 <3 <3
  • I got my haircut last Thursday. It is/was beautiful. I honestly got Thursday night-Monday night off that visit to the hair salon in terms of how long I "wore" my hair for before I had to wash it and do it myself. Don't worry, I use dry shampoo in the days I don't wash it wash it :P I really want to straighten it again tonight but I'm kind of lazy. We'll see if it happens or not. 
  • I managed to go jogging on Tuesday night for the first time since August 24th. Still trying to figure out how to best work that into my schedule. I actually ended up taking my running clothes/shoes with me to my afternoon job and then I changed there and went running on this jogging path near their house. It worked out rather well and I think I'll try to do that as often as I can until it reaches the point where the sun is setting at like 4:07pm like it does in Winter here, haha. 
  • I had a moment of genius-ness and as a result I now have THE BEST birthday planned for Boyfriend next year. It's 6 months away but I've already got a general outline. I'm keeping it all a secret from him though. I'm probably going to end up outdoing myself because it will be a difficult birthday to top in the future, haha. It also means he's gonna have to be super creative if he expects to match my level of expertise for surprise plans :P Poor guy has our anniversary, my birthday, and Christmas all within 3 weeks of each other! 
  • Twinsie and I talked about this tonight: I'll be 27 in three months from today. What.the.crap?!!? How has 27 snuck up on me so stealthily? Eeeesh, that sounds old. 
I'm sure I could continue writing lots more, but I want to shower, watch the season premiere of The Office, and nap before Boyfriend gets home. I stopped by his bar earlier and he was having a super busy night, so I'm sure I still have like 4 hours before he gets here, haha. But if I don't go now I'll just procrastinate for-evvvvv-errrrr!!! Ready, set, go!

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