Sunday, September 18, 2011

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Well, in the style of my dear Twinsie, I will be posting this blog in bullet form. While I have struggled with writing short, succinct bullet points in the past, I'm going to try really hard to limit myself to 5 sentences per bullet, haha. 

This week's happenings:
  • I had a pretty smooth sailing week at both jobs and even had Tuesday off from my afternoon job. I spent it doing a whole lot of nothing but it felt good to just relax. 
  • I went to a training on the curriculum we'll be using for Reading Interventions. I've yet to receive my groups of kids (we have the placement meetings this Thursday and groups start next Monday the 26th) but once I get my class lists, I'll start lesson planning using some or all of the Voyager, Read Natural, and Quick Reads programs. Super excited for this next chapter to begin!! I'll keep you updated :)
  • I went to my first brew fest with Boyfriend and a few friends yesterday. I am not a beer fan, and didn't really find any beer that I really liked at the fest, but there were plenty of cider booths that I frequented until they ran out of their stock. We had intended to stay the night (the fest was in Racine, Wisconsin) but upon seeing the seedy establishment that Boyfriend had booked, we decided it was best to just drive home late at night. The motel wasn't quite as scary as the one MelSav and I stayed in in Oklahoma on our long drive from home to Chicago, but it was still gross and I didn't want to sit down on the furniture. Haha. 
  • Speaking of MelSav, I'm reading a book per her recommendation titled "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. It's a book about building a strong marriage based on understanding the love language your partner speaks. Obviously Boyfriend and I aren't married, but the principles in the book can be utilized in any loving, committed relationship. The 5 love languages are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. I had Boyfriend rank those in order of most to least important to him. His least ended up being Words of Affirmation which is in fact, my most important. Haha. I'm not reading this book because there's anything wrong in our relationship--I just like to be the best at everything I do, which includes being a super amazing awesome girlfriend :)
And now I'm ending this post here, because I started writing it on Sunday night. It's Thursday now. And there are things I want to write about and I don't want to have to change the verb tense. Haha. Kbai.

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