Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You know, 'cause they hold the up the house and all.

Lots going on this week with getting things ready for our new tenants/roommates to move into the second floor of our house. Definitely excited about it, but there's quite a bit to do so I'm guessing I won't get around to blogging til Thursday-ish. 

In other house-related news, this is a (brief) list of things that NEED to be done around here and I'm trying to organize it into order of importance:

  • beams in the basement
  • heating/cooling
  • dryer issue
  • insulation
  • re-doing the electricity
  • appraisal
  • garage 
  • hot tub shack demolition
  • tilling
  • weeding
  • storm doors
  • drywall
  • cats
  • scrap pile removal

What do YOU think is most important? I'm thinking it's the support beams in the basement. You know, 'cause they hold the up the house and all. No big deal :P

'Til Thursday! :)

1 comment:

  1. how did the fact that you're going to have roommates escape the hour and fifteen minute conversation we had on friday? fail. guess we need another asap! :)
