Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dear (real) Spring, please come quickly

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. That makes me a little sad. I really want to make this a daily, or near daily, habit. Blogging that is, not being sad :P I just haven't felt very social for the past week or so and not that this medium of communication is the same as having a direct conversation with someone, it is still me talking in essence. I haven't even been talking to Boyfriend much the past couple days, though I suspect that may have more to do with the 59" Plasma, 3D TV that was delivered on Monday, haha. 

This week, and by week I mean since like Sunday, has been a little rough weather-wise. And while it's not at all enough to make my pack up my incredibly happy life here and move back home to the hot little valley in Southern California from whence I came, it is definitely creating a bit of homesickness in me. 

Last night the little one had a softball game that I was attending. Before we left the house I asked her if she wanted a jacket, but she said no 'cause the weather was nice and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt under her uniform. I should have known better than to trust Chicago weather, but alas, I am a newbie here and still don't understand the inner workings of this Mid West metropolis. No less than half an hour after the start of the game did the temperature drop considerably. And by considerably I mean it went from about 60 to 35 with the wind chill factored in. 35! In May!! I still haven't even been able to plant my bulbs and flowers and seeds outside yet because the official last frost date is May 15th. I thought that was a ridiculous over-exaggeration until I experienced last night. Dear (real) Spring, please come quickly.

I'll try to kick this anti-social sentiment and blog more soon :)

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