Thursday, April 28, 2011

...deeply solidified in cement made of gumption

I've been writing this blog for a little over three months now. Yay, commitment! Granted, April has proven to be the  most productive of those three, with nearly half of my postings occurring in this month alone. But it definitely takes a while, especially for someone who procrastinates as much as I do, for habits to be formed and then deeply solidified in cement made of gumption. 

I find that if things don't have deadlines, I'm pretty much thoroughly incapable of completing them in a timely manner. Even when things do have deadlines, I am hard pressed to finish them on time. I'm thankful that for the most part, my life has no deadlines at the moment. I set deadlines for myself, but I usually give in to them and just do whatever I want anyway. Haha. I'm really bad at telling myself I'm going to do something and coming through with the wherewithal to make it happen. I don't think I've ever used wherewithal in a written sentence. I'm not even sure if I used it correctly there. 

I think I've finally gotten over my hesitation to post anything if it didn't explicitly have to do with Chicago. Although the original intention of this blog was to document this new adventure in my life, I think now I will permit myself to post things that are completely unrelated to my move/life in the Mid West. In all actuality, the people who read this are probably the ones who would listen to anything I have to tell them, regardless of whether it was related to Chicago or not :P 

So from here on out, I will no longer be afraid to post blogs that are "off-topic" because as leader and ruler of this blog, I do hereby declare that anything goes! :)

However, in an effort to slowly wean myself off solely Chicago related posts, here is a picture of my drive home tonight. The skyline gets me every time.

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