Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I definitely need an intervention

I seriously can't believe it's already April. April! And nearly a week into it, at that! I realized today that this time last month I was home for the weekend in California. I just want to grab time by the shoulders, give it a good shake, and tell it to slooooow down. And while I lament about the rate at which this year is passing me by, I'm actually thrilled that Chicago is considerably less like the North Pole now, weather wise. 

This past Sunday it was a ridiculously warm 76 degrees! Omg, so nice. We spent a good chunk of the afternoon doing yard work, which is something I always pretended to be physically incapable of doing whenever my dad needed/asked for help (sorry, Zolika!). Yard work is definitely different when: 1) It's your own (well, Boyfriend's) home that you get to take pride in, and 2) You HAVE to do it because your dad isn't here to do it for you! :P And if you don't do it, it doesn't get done! On Sunday I was actually sad when we had to stop working because we had dinner plans with Boyfriend's family. Haha. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually really excited that this coming Saturday is the only day it's not supposed to rain this week because it means we'll have more good weather to work out in the yard again! Is this what adulthood feels like? Finding happiness in sunny days because it means I can pull weeds and trim trees and prepare soil for transplanting my vegetable garden? Or am I secretly an old, geriatric woman? I think it may be a combination of both.

Speaking of plants, I have recently developed a problem that I may need professional help to be cured of. While I've never been a huge shopper, I've developed an addiction to buying plants. And vegetable seeds. And flower seeds. And flower bulbs. And plant tubers. No joke, I have over 30 different types of vegetables growing. I have over 15 varieties of flowers waiting to go in the ground until I'm sure we're past the last frost. Assuming I just grew one plant from each of those seed packets that would be nearly 50 plants. But of course I can't plant just one seed. Oh, no. 

For example, there are two flats, each with 72 peat pots (that's 144 total, in case you're anti-math), full of various vegetables sitting atop the radiator in the dining room right now. And atop the radiator must be the optimum growing conditions because seeds that were supposed to take 10-14 days to germinate were up and sprouting through the surface, reaching for the sun, in less than 5. Seriously. We have baby snow pea plants that are nearly two feet long now. They're clinging on to one another with their little tendrils, looking for something to cling to as they anticipate the day when they can begin their vertical ascent. **Note to self: Take pictures of crazy radiator garden.** I'm so obsessed with all things herbaceous that I'm even buying Boyfriend "presents" like Bok Choy seeds and Hosta root balls. 

I definitely need an intervention. Help! 

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