Friday, April 8, 2011

Hope it gives you beep

I feel like blogging, but in list form tonight. Haha. 

  1. I'm actually writing this blog before midnight but I'm not going to post it until then because I don't like having more than one entry per date. That is stupid and completely inconsequential but two blog posts on the same day is not visually appealing to me. I have such bizarre preferences/likes/dislikes.
  2. Today is my parents 29th Anniversary! I'm sad I wasn't home to help them celebrate it but I called my dad tonight and told him that for their next anniversary, I'm hoping to have enough money to send them on a cruise to Alaska :) I've got a whole year to save up :P
  3. I love my job. Today during my down time between shuttling kids places I had enough free time to plan out my flower garden. I made a chart of which plants grow to be the tallest so I can plant them in height order. It was very satisfying to get this all mapped out and I'm thankful that I have enough freedom at my job that I can do things like that!
  4. Tonight on my dinner outing with the 9 year old, she was telling me about her family's recent cruise and how one night there was karaoke and she was thinking of singing the song (in her words) "Hope it gives you beep". And at first I couldn't think of what song she was talking about. So she started to sing it. She was referring to All American Rejects' Gives You Hell. She sang the whole thing, but whenever the lyrics were hell or damn, she literally said "beep". It was so cute watching her censor herself like that. One time she accidentally said hell and apologized profusely. I just laughed. It's so interesting watching the inner workings of kids' brains.
  5. Our new pet frogs are doing really well. Bossy One has decided that he absolutely loves to hang out in the leaves of the bromeliad flower and today Boyfriend had to chase him out of there so he would actually come eat when I sprinkled their vitamin powder covered fruit flies in their tank. They're fun to watch and even though we've only had them for 5 days, I love them :P
  6. I'm absolutely addicted to Kirkland brand Fruit and Nut Medley from Costco. Omg, yum. Though I find myself picking out the strawberries, apples, and walnuts first. I wish I was brave enough to just reach my hand into the bag and just eat whatever I pull out but I'm not normal enough to not thoroughly inspect every bite of food before I eat it. Weirdo.
  7. I'm super excited to take Boyfriend on a date this weekend. I'm 99% sure he doesn't read my blog so I'd probably be fine in revealing the secret location here, but just in case, I won't tell. I will after Saturday. I'm sure I'll want to blog about it :P 
  8. Tonight I drove home from work on the freeway highway with the waist tie for my coat hanging out the door the entire time. I actually do this quite frequently. But it happens to be raining right now so my waist tie is completely soaked and it smacked me on my leggings covered legs up the front steps to the door of the house and I couldn't figure out what was soggily colliding with me. I am a bilo.
  9. I'm super cute and left Boyfriend a love note on his car at work last night. Wednesdays usually end up being long days for him and he had to go in an hour early for a meeting with his boss. I figured I'd be the most amazing girl ever and leave him something to put a smile on his face when he got off work. How adorable am I? :P
Nine things is probably enough for people to read in one sitting. So I'll leave it at that. Also, yay for three consecutive days of blogging! I'm on a roll! Winning!

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