Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to defend yourself against basement monsters

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I'm trying to be better about blogging on a more regular basis, and so far, at least for this week, I'm succeeding :) It's not that blog-worthy adventure waits behind every turn in my life, but I do enjoy writing and lord knows I need something to do at night until Boyfriend comes home :P It's not like I don't have an entire house that needs packing, cleaning, unpacking, organizing, decorating. Haha. Oh, sweet procrastination. 

Ah, crap. I just remembered that I needed to do laundry today but now that the sun has long since set, that means the basement monsters have come out of their hiding places, hoping that I'll descend into their musty lair so they can consume my squishy body and toss my licked-clean bones upon the pile of other unlucky souls who have come before me. I need some type of weapon to defend myself against the aforementioned basement monsters. Someone should really write an article on the proper basement monster slaying technique because these aren't exactly the returns I was looking for when I Googled: "how to defend yourself against basement monsters". 

I really wish I could find it within me to not be so creeped out by the basement. But it smells funny and and the light switch is illogically located requiring me to walk into the basement and around a corner to turn it on. I suppose I'll try with this, too. Try.

In other news, things are going really well at work. I got a phone call today from the mom just to say thank you for being such a big help in their lives and that I'm very much appreciated, which is always great to hear :) Last night when I was driving the 12 year old to basketball practice she asked if I would stay for the whole thing. I told her her mom would be picking her up. Then she said, "I wish you were my mom. You're more fun." To which I responded, "Sweetie, if I was your mom, you wouldn't think I was fun, I promise." Haha. Then she said she wished I lived with them as their au pair (she's taking French class so she's familiar with the term :P). I told her that while I am from a different state, I'm not from a foreign country, as is typical of au pairs, and also she's 12 and doesn't need live in assistance. But it's definitely nice to know that I'm well liked. 

I've been looking for teaching positions for the 2011-2012 school year but working for such a great family makes it hard to want to leave. If I am fortunate enough to land a job, I hope it's at a school whose contract hours end early enough for me to still work for the family, though I logically know it'd be nearly impossible to accomplish such a feat. I'm still hopeful. So far this year has been full of fantastic events and occurrences so it could happen! And despite the fact that I'm 2,000 miles away from my friends and family, I'm unbelievably happy here. 

But seriously, friends and family, feel free to visit anytime!! :)

Shortly after writing this post, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps (literally. I was wearing my cowboy boots today) and I bravely ventured down into the basement to get the laundry started! I even considered calling my dad so he could keep me safe somehow over the phone, but realized that if I did that then I'd never grow out of my fear. I did regret descending the dark stairs without a weapon in hand, but I turned on the flashlight app on my phone and made it safely into the depths below. I'm happy to report there were no sneak attacks by rouge basement monster ninjas who were lurking in the shadows, though I do believe I sensed their presence :P But I just channeled the energy of the almighty honey badger (click, click, click that if you haven't seen it! Sorry, Mom, for the cussing in the video :P) and I survived unscathed. Yay, me!!

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