Friday, April 22, 2011

Hah. Hahahahahahaha. Heeeee, hooooo. Haaaaaa

I hit a major milestone today. Well technically yesterday. I always get a little confused when it comes to discussing days because my life clock does not run on the same schedule as everyone else's. It's 1:43 (technically Friday) in the morning right now but I still consider this day to be the end of Thursday because I haven't gone to bed for the night from waking up on Thursday day. Does that make any sense at all? In actuality, the day of the week in no way impacts the happenings of my major milestone so all this blabber is really for no good reason. Hah.

Back to the original topic: My car hit the 100,000 mile marker! Well technically it hit 230,760, but to me that is 100,000 miles. It made me think about where I was in life 100,000 miles ago. Hah. Hahahahahahaha. Heeeee, hooooo. Haaaaaa. Ohhhh, man. If 100,000 miles ago, which was January 22, 2006 to be exact, you would have told me that this would be my life, I would never have believed you. 

Allow me to provide you with a brief list of attributes about where I was in life 100,000 miles ago. 
  • I was a young, 21 year old spring chicken. I was just a month into my twenty-first year when I bought my car. My first non-embarrassing, non-smoke-pours-out-of-the-hood-when-I-stop-at-stoplights, non-geriatric, non-built-in-the-1980s car. 
  • I was single. Very single. It was coming up on 2 years since I had last had a boyfriend. 
  • I was working full time at a self storage company, making way more money than any 21 year old needs. 
  • I was getting ready to finish my last semester at RCC before (hopefully) being accepted and transferring to Cal State San Marcos to pursue my B.A. in Liberal Studies.
  • I had been a vegetarian for 3 months :P
For those of you who enjoy numbers, chew on these facts:
  • I drove to and from San Marcos roughly 400 times for a total of approximately 21,000 miles.
  • I drove to and from Huntington Beach roughly roughly 300 times for a total of approximately 18,000 miles.
  • I drove to and from Las Vegas once for a total of 425 miles.
  • I drove to and from San Antonio once for a total of (at least) 3,000 miles.
  • I drove to, but not from, Chicago once for a total of 2,104 miles.
These are all low-ball estimates and alone they tally up to 44,500 miles, so you can see just how much I have driven in the past five years and four months.

The following is a list of some of the major events have occurred during the past 100,000 miles:
  • I completed both my Bachelor's degree and my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential! :)
  • I went through 7 different jobs. 
  • I've moved 6 times.
  • I met three of my four besties at CSUSM.
  • I've taught over 100 students.
  • I went over 4 years without eating meat.
  • I took a whirlwind, 42 hour trip to The Windy City where, in a bar, I met and danced with the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen.
  • I relocated from the only city I'd ever known in Southern California to Chicago, Illinois.
  • I couldn't be happier :)
One hundred thousand miles ago, I could never have imagined that this is where I'd be and I pretty much still have one of those, "Wow, this is really my life?!" moments everyday. But in a good way. A very good way. 

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